Joe Souza-搜索结果

  • Forbidden Lust


    导演:Dante Giove   编剧:Montana Muirfield

    主演:Mandy Fisher, Brad Bartram, Jonathan Gray, Joe Souza, 妮基塔·凯丝, Olivia Saint

      Rebecca is a gorgeous and sensitive woman who's looking for love ... or is she? Unfortunately, her affluent husbands die prematurely. The police start to suspect she's a killer marrying rich men only to murder them for their money. Fortunately, she has her best friend, Tucker Jones, to lean on. However, it appears Tucker's interest in Rebecca may be more than friendly. Meanwhil...

  • 赤裸裸的欲望 Bare Naked Desires

    类型:剧情片电影, 伦理片电影

    导演:J.W. McHausen   编剧:Henry Rhodes

    主演:凯兰妮·雷, Mercedez, 米卡·唐, Joe Souza

      Misty (Kaylani Lei) is a call girl working at a cathouse run by Tamiko (Mika Tan). Tamiko runs her house like a mini-dictatorship, making all the girls follow a strict set of rules: No boyfriends, no taking tips, etc. Misty is the top girl in the house and would like to have her own house. After she finds out that the membership is $100,000 per year, Misty quits and joins Derek...

  • 裸男歌唱 Naked Boys Singing

    类型:喜剧片电影, 歌舞片电影

    导演:Robert Schrock, Troy Christian   编剧:布鲁斯·维莱什, Robert Schrock

    主演:伊桑·勒蓬, 凯文·亚历山大·斯蒂亚, Andrew Blake Ames, Jason Currie, Jaymes Hodges, Joseph Keane, Anthony Manough, Joe

      《裸男歌唱》(英文:Naked Boys Singing!),是一部改編自美國1998年3月19日公映,曾奪得五個托尼獎[1],同名百老匯音樂劇的2007年歌舞片喜劇電影,此片特別之處是所有演員都會全裸演出,而且全為男性[2]。
      導演特洛伊·克里斯汀(Troy Christian)向大眾解釋電影涵意:「我希望《裸男歌唱》能令觀眾大開眼界和放開胸懷,裸體,不等於色情[3]。」